
Poem's Eye

Abhishek Kumar Abhishek Kumar Follow Oct 14, 2019 · 1 min read
Poem's Eye
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Poem’s Eye
Sometimes a lover,
Sometimes a hater.
On feelings I hover,
Which the poet cannot cater.

Tell me, who are you
In this world of smiles?
Saying love is a hue,
And emotions are a crime?

YEAH! Harsh words come when you’re sober.
Go hate yourself over the bottles of wine,
You have the money to ‘forget and get over’,
go spend all the dime.

Highs to lows,
Lows to highs ,
Vulnerability sucks ,
yet it thrives.

Now reading seems an issue,
And writing poems is a weakness in fights.
For him I am the morning dew,
Which vanishes in afternoon, bright.

Inked in black,
written at night.
I’ll be the slack,
with the morning light.

But have hope you, dear lover,
so what if I am the prisoner in cage of mind?
See, I’m a poem, which is now over.
Just look for me in smiles and there you will find.
Poem's eye!

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Abhishek Kumar
Written by Abhishek Kumar Follow
Exploring darkness to embrace light. Exploring words to embrace life. A growing engineer trying to figure out life through words.