Kaushiki Krity Follow

Weird from a normal point of view and normal from a weird point of view.

Kaushiki Krity

Posts by Kaushiki Krity

Shackels of Fear!

“No! You cannot give birth to this girl”

In positivity, May 11, 2020


_This letter is for everyone who may had a bad day, bad week, a bad month, or maybe a whole bad year… I know you had fallen apart and it is only and only horrifying you. That frien...

In positivity, Oct 12, 2019

7 books to kickstart with your reading journey.

_Want to get started with reading books? Or are you looking for something that inspires you, amazes you, makes you happy or makes you cry? Something that will take you to the anothe...

In books, Oct 06, 2019