Shreoshee Mukherjee Follow

A dreamer, who just graduated to real life. Loves to be herself. Can't resist pets. Aims to be a Talky and a Techie person. 🙈

Shreoshee Mukherjee

Posts by Shreoshee Mukherjee

What exactly is L.E.O?

Let's Express Ourselves (LEO) is the official literature and interpersonal skills development club of Sir M. Visvesraya Institute of Technology, Bangalore.

In leo, Sep 02, 2019

Conflicts of Life Goals

What do you mean when you say, "I want a stable life"? Is it mental peace? Is it steady wealth? Or what else? This is the question that keeps haunting me every time I dream of my future.

In careers, Aug 29, 2019

Freshers Welcome 2019

Thus marking another successful start for the next year of LEO. The LEO Freshers Orientation was scheduled on the 22nd of august in the CSE Seminar Hall of the Main Block.

In campus, Aug 22, 2019